
Frances Battersby


Frances’ Japanese Precious Metal and Bronze work; excessive attention to detailed, ceremony and process, (moto moto sugureta geijitsu). Works from a 5 years apprenticeship in a 29th & a 7th generation studio in Kyoto ( Tsuibu & Hasegawa Kamuemeon )

  1. The Moon appears in the Clear Water. Silver Koro. Kyoto Temple Collection.

  2. Kawazakana Kanzashi. Copper, Shakudo. Photograph Haru Sameshima.

  3. Kikumoyo Kanzashi. Silver. Hair comb. Photograph Haru Sameshima,

  4. Ogi Ire Vase. Karakane Bronze. Photograph by Haru Sameshima.

  5. Matsu no Ha. Silver. AK Museum .

  6. Taishi’s Jug. Karakane Bronze. Photograph by Haru Sameshima.